Old school Swatch Watches

What are microbes

Microbes are small organisms that invisible to the naked eye.They have high ecological diversity.They live in everywhere in water and air,soil,rock,in and on the body of animals,plants and other microbes.Some microbes well survived in searing heat,some microbes thrive in freezing cold.Some microbes need oxygen to live but others do not.

Microbes are very important part of the eco system.We could not exist without them although some of them cause disease in humans,plants,animals and other microbes. Majority are completely harmless.Without activity of microbes there would be no bread,chees,beer or chocolate .

Microbes are the oldest form of life on earth.some types have existed for billions of years.In this time billions of microbes are swimming in our belly and mouth,and crawling on our skin.But we must not be worry because 95% of microbes are harmless.

Microbes include:-

6.Viruses (although viruses considered as microbes they do not considered as micro organisms)